The Buttery Bros will be competing in a team at Tribal Clash Australia in Wollongong, and of course documenting their Tribal Clash experience for an episode to be broadcast on their popular Youtube channel.
Join Heber Cannon and Marston Sawyers for some Buttery fitness on the beach; it’s going to be off the hook! How will they get on with the Tribal sand worm?!

Unfamiliar with the Buttery Bros’ work? They have been killing it on the Tubes so if you have missed it, where have you been? Check out their Youtube channelĀ here and follow them on Instagram (@butterybros)!

The Buttery Bros will not be the only familiar faces you are likely to spot at Tribal Clash. Teams from USA and Europe are also booked to compete in Wollongong – this is a weekend not to be missed!